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Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders

This is a book that I've had for quite a few months but haven't bothered to review until I saw some renewed interest on it on social media recently. In short, this book is about why teams are important and how to build them.

The good: Good background on why high performance teams are vital, great ideas on how to become the mediator coach and mentor of a group in order to allows them to become a cohesive and highly performing team instead. All the snippets are focused on what you can do as a leader to influcence the team through the various stages of the group.

The bad: While the book gives a good overview on why building effective teams is vital and what you can do to improve your teambuilding skills, I consider the book quite expensive for being below 150 pages of actual information. Another point is the included survey pages you are supposed to fill in to keep track of how your team is doing feels like space that could be used better.

In summary, while this book does have some great advice on how to build effective teams and how to tackle most issues that commonly arise in groups, its quite expensive. If you're a PM nerd like me you're probably going to get it anyways, but for the people who simply have a passing interest should probably consider free online resources instead.

Jonah E. Kensington -
IT-Project Manager, Speaker & Author
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